Tuesday, February 28, 2006

SEO Tips: 10 Useful tips

Technorati Tags SEO, Search+Engine+Optimisation, Google, Page Rank, Keywords, Blog, Blogging+Tips

I've been using the free version of Web CEO this evening and even in the free version I've picked up a lot of useful tips to help with my Search Engine Optimisation.

Here are 10 things that I've learnt so far:

1. Don't use stop words like "and" "on" "a" "the" "about" "are" "that" "were" "by" "of" as search engines don't take these auxiliary words into consideration. By using a stop word in your Title tag, you potentially damage your rankings.

2. Keep the max number of words on a page under 1320. Analysis has shown that the top sites have no more than this per page. My page had 4495 words so I'm going back to posting just extracts on the homepage.

3. Put your keywords in bold as this tells the search engines these words are important.

4. Put your keywords in your titles as this tells the search engines these words are important.

5. Display your keywords at the end of the page. I've cheated here a bit and added a new nav at the bottom of all my pages that has my keywords as searches.

6. Use tags for your titles as Search Engines pick these up. The blogware template doesn't use these tags as standard so it took me a while to work out how to add them without my title font getting out of control, but I managed it.

7. Put your Keywords in your Alt image tags. “ http://www.seoservicesgroup.com “ to learn why. All the images within my template now do this and I will try and add tags into any images I manually add from now on.

8. Keep your page size under 100Kb. Google only stores this as a maximum in its cache so any bigger and some of your content will get missed (Yahoo's max is 500Kb)

9. Watch your colours. If your text is similar in colour to your backgrounds some search engine will consider this spam

10. Keyword Weight.

Keywords must appear at in at least 1% of the words on the page.

How Many Links Do You Need?

We all know that link building is an important aspect of SEO. Most of the websites I look at are reasonably well optimized, at least in terms of "on page" factors, but they're usually in terrible shape when it comes to links - both within the website and within the area of link popularity. Among my students, one of the most frequently asked questions is "how many links do I need to get my site ranked better?" At SEO Research Labs, this question has been the subject of much study, of course. It's a simple question, but the answer can be complicated. Fortunately, the answer is usually "a lot less than you think." In this article, I'll try to break the question down into bite-sized pieces, and give you the best answer we have based on our research and experience. I'll begin with three key concepts, and then give you some rules of thumb to guide you to your own answers. The first idea that you need to understand is that there is more than one type of link. For our purposes, we can safely divide links into three main types:

· URL links - where the "anchor text" is the URL of a web page. For example, "Dan Thies offers a free e-book on SEO at http://www.seoresearchlabs.com/seo-book.php" These links increase the general authority & PageRank of a web page. When the search terms are part of the URL, as in the example above, then this may contribute to rankings.

· Title & Name links - where the anchor text is the business name or the title of the web page. For example, a link to SEO Research Labs or Matt Cutts' blog post confirming a penalty. These links may contribute to the page's ranking, depending on the words used.

· Anchor text links - these are links pointing to a specific page, targeting specific search terms. For example, a link to my upcoming link building teleclass, specifically targeting "link building" as a search term. These links may contribute to a page's ranking, and as a result, "text links" have become a major obsession in the SEO community.

The second idea is that the location of the links matters. Again, I'll break this down into three categories:

· Navigational or "Run of Site" links - those links which are contained within a website's global navigation, and/or appear on every page of the web site. Individually, these links are likely to count less than others, because the search engines are capable of identifying them as navigation.

· Contextual links - those links which appear in the actual body or content of a web page - like the links in the section above. Individually, these links are likely to count for more than the average link, because search engines are capable of identifying the content areas of a page.

· Directory links - those links which appear on links pages, resource pages, and other pages whose primary purpose is to link out to other websites. These links are likely to count for more than navigational links, but their value will be proportional to the number of links on the page.
The third key concept is that not all links are equal, and quality matters far more than quantity.

Search engines have varying degrees of trust for links - in fact, some websites may not be able to pass any authority or reputation at all through links. Google's Matt Cutts and others have written and spoken quite clearly about filtering links from websites selling "text link ads," and told us that 2-way links (link exchanges) are unlikely to help much with search engine rankings. These three concepts are important to what I'm about to tell you, because when you ask "how many links," the answer depends on what kind of links you're able to create. Linking strategies that take the search engines' position into account will be more effective, require less effort, and more predictable long term results. Relying on one or two tactics is not a linking strategy. For a website that isn't ranked well, playing catch-up can take some time and creativity, but it can be done. If you are in this position, you may want to take a fairly aggressive approach, with as many as 30-40% of the links you build containing anchor text for your most important search terms. It's important not to be a "one hit wonder," and focus all of your efforts on text links, especially if you are targeting only a handful of search terms. A more conservative approach might involve closer to 10% text links, and perhaps 90% of the links producing only general authority (URL and title/name links). With many of my students, I advocate a broad website promotion strategy that tends to generate a lot of general links, and a follow-up program intended to create anchor text links within that larger pool of links. So how many links do you need? Well, if you focus on higher quality links, and keep your text links within a reasonable proportion to your "general authority" links, we've found the following rules to be pretty accurate:
· For a top 10 position, your text link count should outnumber the count of half of the 10 top ranked pages, and also exceed the count for two-thirds of the top 20 pages.

· For a top 3 position, on average, you will need to have 50% more text links than were required to crack the top 10, although in some markets there may be a wide gap between the top few sites and the rest of the top 10.

These rules are just a guideline, and of course, relying on outdated tactics like link exchange or "text link ads" may prove ineffective. In our latest research, we've actually stopped counting these links altogether in looking at competitors. This approach has proven just as effective in the 5-6 months we've been doing it. When you start to analyze the competition, you'll usually find that the number of text links you need is fairly low, in comparison to the number of general authority links you need. If you worry less about "getting anchor text," and instead look for ways that you can promote your website, you'll find it a lot easier. My students usually struggle with this idea, but in the end, we've always been able to find ways to do (profitable) promotions that also generate the links we need.

I wish you success.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Effective Link Request Template

How to create an effective Link Request Template
1. Proper subject (Link Request, Link Exchange Request, etc)
2. Try to find the webmaster’s name or website owner’s name and add them in the LIT (start as “Dear XXXX”, “Hello XXXX” etc)
3. A small description about their website (please include the home page URL of their website)
4. A brief introduction about yourself (example: My name is xxx and I am working as the webmaster of sample.com for the past 3 years and I have good experience in the search engine marketing and got up many websites in the rankings)
5. A brief introduction about the website and the service that we provide through the website (example: My website provides web designs service and we have developed more than 100 websites and we are specialized in search engine marketing)
6. We should explain how this link exchange helps both websites in the search engine rankings (A paragraph that describes your site and why you feel it's link-worthy)
7. Tell the URL where you need your link to be placed on their website
8. Tell them where you will place their link (if you have already placed a link, please proved the URL)
9. A valid signature: it should contain the following,
Valid E-mail ID
Valid Website URL
Phone number (not necessary but if you provide this it will look professional)
Optional: Logo of your website to make the letter more professional
10. Try to reframe it for each and every webmaster you contact for link exchange :)Please let me know if anybody needs a sample link request :)

Labs.google.com, Google's technology playground.

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Google SetsAutomatically create sets of items from a few examples

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Get Higher Search Engine Ranking!

1) Content is an important factor in high search engine rankings. Make sure that you have plenty of content throughout your site with your target keywords in the articles. It’s also worth doing a search for websites similar to yours and taking a look at their articles for ideas. The more content you have the better. It is generally a good idea to have between three hundred and five hundred words per page, but more important than a quantity of content is the quality of the content that you are providing. You cannot just put out three hundred words of jargon and expect your visitors to find it interesting and stick around for the long haul.

2) Your website’s URL can help you rank higher with the search engines if it contains your keywords. However, don’t think that naming your site after your keywords will always help your rankings – you need to do more than just that.

3) Search terms should be written out in text, instead of graphics. If you do use pictures, be sure to give them alt tags. The alt tags in your pictures are almost as important as text. It’s also a good idea to put some of your key words in links to other pages. In the eyes of a search engine it is almost as good to have a link to a page full of the content that the visitor is looking for as it is to have the content that the visitor is looking for on your page. If a visitor is looking for something that you are linking to and he or she finds your page, they may look around your site on the way through.

4) The title of your page is very important, and making sure that you choose it wisely will make a big difference. Terms such ‘free article on safe children's toys’, or ‘contact the children's toy expert today’ are good to use as titles, for example – they would get you a high ranking. The title area is the most important place to include your keyword phrases, so make sure that you put them all in.

5) The navigation menu that appears on each page of your website should include your page’s title.

6) Don’t just use the most popular keyword phrases – the market is so competitive that you should be sure to include some niche keywords too.

7) Make sure that you don’t have a lot of irrelevant links on your site. The more closely related to your site your links are, the better your chances of being ranked in a higher position.
8) You need to periodically update the content of your website, even if it’s only a slight change, as websites like sites that are kept updated.

9) You need to consider the fact most search engines don’t like automatic submissions or multiple submissions – submit once, manually.

10) Always be on the look out for SEO news – staying up to date and using the latest techniques will help you stay one step ahead of your competition.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Blogs and Barcodes – The Online Blurs into the Offline World

Blogs have become a bastion of free speech on the web – where anyone can start their own personal commentary on any topic for free. Businesses use blogs to post their latest news, celebrities make fans salivate as they update their blogs with news about their day, and they even demonstrated the power to keep online vendors in line (Google bombing). The fact is, blogs have become massively popular and it seems the sky is the limit for this online phenomenon. But that is not the end of the story, I wrote this article to tell you how blogs are soon going to influence buyers of your products in the offline world. Yes you read that correctly; ‘the offline world.’
A new technology has been slated to emerge within the next 2 years that will blur the lines between the web and the real world and make blogging and in-turn SEO even more of a necessity for retailers. The key to this new world will be the popular cell phone and the emergence of barcode search technology.
Barcodes other wise known as UPC (Universal Product Code) are present on the packaging of every consumer product you find in your local retail store. These codes are often shown in a format of closely spaced vertical lines which when scanned by the store’s barcode reader will describe the product and the price. These barcodes were put in place to make monitoring and pricing inventory simpler for retailers. Unbeknownst to the retailers, such technology will soon be used to allow you, the consumer, to not only find the best price for a particular product but to check on consumer opinions of the product. Toshiba recently announced that as early as April 2007 this barcode technology will be available to consumers on its latest cell phone offering.

How this system works is best described by example. While visiting your local electronics warehouse you walk over to a new plasma television and your mouth impulsively begins to water as you watch the HD television feed gloriously swim across the screen. Next you look at the price and wonder just how much you could get for one of your limbs. Pricing aside, let’s assume you can afford the TV and you wonder how this TV stacks up against the plethora of similar Plasma TV’s displayed nearby. To answer your question you casually take out your camera-enabled cell phone and snap a shot of the barcode located below the TV. Within a few moments your cell phone screen displays a menu detailing an average consumer ranking of this TV as well as the best price found within your area. Now, armed with this invaluable data you can either move onto another TV that fits your needs or get the best price possible. Where does all of this information come from? Blogs of course; upon request of your barcode inquiry Toshiba’s servers will pole up to 100 blogs known to have information on the TV and provide you with an average rating based on the opinions found.

This concept has been around for a while but to my knowledge Toshiba is the first to announce a rollout with enough clout suitable to note. Once this technology has taken flight, and I have little doubt it will in one form or another, I anticipate there will be a serious need for a single entity to provide a spam-controlled, un-biased arena for search. Here enters the king of search; Google. Google already has the database and the technology to weed out a vast amount of spam and it would have everything to gain by including a search technology for barcode surfers. All of a sudden, this new technology will gain a legitimacy of epic proportions and consumers would be able to poll millions of blogs versus the mere 100 that Toshiba’s first generation will be capable of. A new generation of vendor accountability will be here and the consumer will be more powerful than ever before. Sound grandiose? Sure, I admit that I am excited, but the implications of this technology are undeniable; blogs and the rest of the online world will play a far larger role over which products are bought in the local store.

With the emergence of this technology every vendor with an inch of respect for the Internet will have to create their own review blog where they will need to provide incentives for consumers to post product/service reviews. That’s right, not only will vendors have to provide a better product but they will need to ask consumers to help them promote it. After all, they will have to stand out from the rest of the vendors asking for the same favour! It will also be important for vendors to ensure that their review blog is optimized for the search engines so that home surfers can find their review sites and to ensure that Google indexes it regularly.

All-in-all I think this upcoming technology offers a wonder of positive possibilities; responsible product manufacturing, fiercely competitive pricing, further credibility for the Internet, and a boom in online investment. Another element which shouldn’t be missed is the further levelling of the online playing field; the best products, not necessarily the biggest vendors will have a chance at a large share of the consumer pie. You just have to love the free spirit of the ‘Net!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Google Datacenter Checker ! ! !

Hello all,

Check your web site page rank, Back links and indexed Pages in all Google DATA centers.http://www.mypagerank.net/googlecheck.html

I thing this online tool has display more number of Google data center results. . .

Monday, February 20, 2006

Response to the DoJ motion

In August, Google was served with a subpoena from the U. S. Department of Justice demanding disclosure of two full months’ worth of search queries that Google received from its users, as well as all the URLs in Google’s index. We objected to the subpoena, which started a set of legal procedures that puts the issue before the Federal courts. Below is the introduction to our response to the Department of Justice's motion to the court to force us to comply with the subpoena. You can find the entire response here. (This is a 25-page PDF file.)

I. INTRODUCTIONGoogle users trust that when they enter a search query into a Google search box, not only will they receive back the most relevant results, but that Google will keep private whatever information users communicate absent a compelling reason. The Government's demand for disclosure of untold millions of search queries submitted by Google users and for production of a million Web page addresses or "URLs" randomly selected from Google's proprietary index would undermine that trust, unnecessarily burden Google, and do nothing to further the Government's case in the underlying action.

Fortunately, the Court has multiple, independent bases to reject the Government's Motion. First, the Government's presentation falls woefully short of demonstrating that the requested information will lead to admissible evidence. This burden is unquestionably the Government's. Rather than meet it, the Government concedes that Google's search queries and URLs are not evidence to be used at trial at all. Instead, the Government says, the data will be "useful" to its purported expert in developing some theory to support the Government's notion that a law banning materials that are harmful to minors on the Internet will be more effective than a technology filter in eliminating it.

Google is, of course, concerned about the availability of materials harmful to minors on the Internet, but that shared concern does not render the Government's request acceptable or relevant. In truth, the data demanded tells the Government absolutely nothing about either filters or the effectiveness of laws. Nor will the data tell the Government whether a given search would return any particular URL. Nor will the URL returned, by its name alone, tell the Government whether that URL was a site that contained material harmful to minors.

But, the Government's request would tell the world much about Google's trade secrets and proprietary systems. This is the second independent ground upon which the Court should reject the subpoena. Google avidly protects every aspect of its search technology from disclosure, even including the total number of searches conducted on any given day. Moreover, to know whether a given search would return any given URL in Google's database, a complete knowledge of how Google's search engine operates is required, inevitably further entangling Google in the underlying litigation. No assurances, no promises, and no confidentiality order, can protect Google's trade secrets from scrutiny and disclosure during the course of discovery and trial.

Finally, the Government's subpoena imposes an undue burden on Google without a sufficiently countervailing justification. Perhaps the Government can be forgiven its glib rejection of this point because it is unfamiliar with Google's system architecture. If the Government had that familiarity, it would know that its request will take over a week of engineer time to complete. But the burden is not mechanical alone; it includes legal risks as well. A real question exists as to whether the Government must follow the mandatory procedures of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in seeking Google users' search queries. The privacy of Google users matters, and Google has promised to disclose information to the Government only as required by law. Google should not bear the burden of guessing what the law requires in regard to disclosure of search queries to the Government, or the risk of guessing wrong.

For all of these reasons, the Court must reject the Government's Motion.

Great colleagues

Speaking of the Search Engine Strategies conference, I was thinking of things that I meant to post about but haven’t yet, and I remembered reading this post about what a great job Charles Martin did at Search Engine Strategies in Chicago. Charles had never done any search engine conferences, so we sat and prepped for an hour or so about what SES is like and what questions he might get. And he knocked it out of the park: he spoke at two different sessions and even joked around with his co-panelists. Heck, he took better notes than I usually do at a conference, including writing down all the questions that people asked. Danny Sullivan recently sent word that Charles got high marks on audience feedback, too. Charles, thanks for representing Google at SES Chicago.

I often tell people that if I failed the “bus test” (that is, if I got hit by bus and didn’t survive), there would easily be 50 Googlers who could take my place and talk about webmaster issues, and I really think that’s true. Google does a pretty good job on webmaster communication, but we need to keep looking for ways to scale even more. It’s healthy to bring more technical Googlers into the rotation at conferences: we’re sending Brian to speak in Australia in March, and at Search Engine Strategies in New York I’ll be joined by software engineer Aaron (in addition to the loads of other Google speakers who will be there, and hopefully several other engineers; I know that some Sitemaps folks are coming too).

The last month or so especially, I’ve enjoyed talking to colleagues in the crawl and indexing teams, Sitemaps, and core quality about how Google could improve webmaster/engineering communications more. I’m excited about how far we’ve come, and we’ll keep looking for ways that we could scale up communication from the engineering side of Google.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Online Marketers Are Finding New Strategies On Search Engine Optimization.

Mansfield, OH -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/17/2006 -- Online Marketers are finding new strategies on Search Engine Optimization. These companies have found that a variety of Website Ranking techniques are the real secret to higher ranking on the major search engines.

Search Engine Optimization that includes many tasks of RSS Feeds, Weblogs and related link exchanges are benefiting online companies the most. Many are finding that with complete Optimization, rankings are much higher on the search engines. http://www.websiterankingtop.com/

Website Rankings provides a complete search engine optimization unlike any other company: Many people are saying that this site gives buyers complete information with more tools then Anyone to launch your own Website to the Top. The step-by-step manual sells for only $24.50 but is worth hundreds of dollars. This manual also has a money back guarantee if it does not produce a top ranking in your Website position. Consumers say that this is one of the simplest products to use.

Online Businesses have been encouraged by reading the testimonies posted on the Website of success in sales. Customers have seen their Website on top in the major search engines for very little money. They say that this is a proven service of SEO ranking and will give you top10 rankings in Google and other search engines. It is available now with new information on Website Ranking that gives complete instruction in an easy to use Manuel. Customers have found that this book covers everything that can take your Website to the Top for less money than anyone else. They also say that this book is more complete than anyone else and it covers all topics that can take anyone’s Website Rankings to the top.

Online Companies are finding a vast amount of information and many free tools in “Website Rankings” Ebook. The book includes all of this: Step by step SEO (search engine optimization) instructions, a Website Editor, Top 10 Ranking tools, a Keyword Generator, Keyword Density Analyzer, a HTML Validation tool, a Search Engine Spider Simulator, Link Texts and other similar Links, complete instructions and tools on how to create your own RSS Feed and how to submit it, detailed instructions on how to submit articles relevant to your Website that will help boost your Website rankings. This includes news articles and press releases, Blog creation and submission and pertinent information on site maps. Consumers have been very pleased with “Website Rankings’ Ebook. Written by:
Bill Naugle

Link trading benefits

One of the most difficult areas to improve your site is getting more incoming links.
You need to make link exchanges, with other blogs and traditional websites, to help yourself. Trades are good for everyone!

Those incoming links, or backlinks as they are often called, are important for several reasons.
First of all, links to your blog will get you more traffic. The more visitors to your site, the better. As with anything else, unless people know your great blog exists, they can't read it. Incoming links enable you to share readers with another blogger. They in turn enjoy visits from your readers who benefit from enjoying another great blog experience.

Google's PageRank is based on the number and the quality of your incoming links. For those unaware of their blog's PageRank, it can be seen as a green line on the Google Toolbar. Download one and check your blog's PageRank.

Google considers a link to your site to be a vote in its favour. The more votes the better, is one way to look at it. Another aspect of Google PageRank is it weights the links by importance of the linking page. For example, Google will give your blog much more PageRank credit, from a link from a PageRank 7 site, than from a PageRank 2 site.

More high PageRank incoming links raise your blog's PageRank considerably. Even if your current PageRank is fairly low, it will still assist your link trading partner to some degree, regardless of their ranking.

Besides, your PageRank and theirs, can also go up over time. If your link exchange partner has a low PageRank, you and they can help raise one another. That is real cooperation.

Incoming links are also important, in the placing of your blog in the search returns, for your chosen keywords. The more high ranking incoming links you have, the higher your blog will appear in the search returns. Along with those important backlinks, be sure to keep adding lots of keyword rich content to your blog. Google counts fresh content heavily too.

As you find link trading partners, who share your common interests, you will see your visitor traffic improve.

Your Google PageRank will get ever higher.

You will also rank higher in the search results.

All of these results are a result of cooperation with other blogs. They are the end product of mutually beneficial link exchanges.

Make some link trades today.

Assisting other bloggers helps you as well!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Search Engines - The New Battle Ground for Middle East Conflicts?

The Israel News Agency in posting these Holocaust cartoons from Iran, has launched an SEO - Internet search engine optimization marketing contest to prevent Iran and Islam terrorist groups news Websites from reaching top positions in Google. This is the first time that a SEO contest was created for a political and humanitarian cause. And the INA has secured Olympic gold in its quest to outrank any and all Arab and Islam Websites as when one searches for the key words: "iran holocaust cartoons" the Israel News Agency has secured a Google first place ranking.



Thursday, February 16, 2006


Please post your views and Comments to my blog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


chandru your great work(:)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

New robots.txt tool

The Sitemaps team just introduced a new robots.txt tool into Sitemaps. The robots.txt file is one of the easiest things for a webmaster to make a mistake on. Brett Tabke’s Search Engine World has a great robots.txt tutorial and even a robots.txt validator.

Despite good info on the web, even experts can have a hard time knowing with 100% confidence what a certain robots.txt will do. When Danny Sullivan recently asked a question about prefixing matching, I had to go ask the crawl team to be completely sure. Part of the problem is that mucking around with robots.txt files is pretty rare; once you get it right once, you usually never have to think about the file again. Another issue is that if you get the file wrong, it can have a large impact on your site, so most people don’t mess with their robots.txt file very often. Finally, each search engine has slightly different extra options that they support. For example, Google permits wildcards (*) and the “Allow:” directive.

The nice thing about the robots.txt checker from the Sitemaps team is that it lets you take a robots.txt file out for a test drive and see how the real Googlebot would handle a file. Want to play with wildcards to allow all files except for ‘*.gif’? Go for it. Want to experiment with upper vs. lower case? Answer: upper vs. lower case doesn’t matter. Want to check whether hyphens matter for Google? Go wild. Answer: we’ll accept “UserAgent” or “User-Agent”, but we’ll remind you that the hyphenated version is the correct version.

The best part is that you can test a robots.txt file without risking anything by doing it on your live site. For example, Google permits the “Allow:” directive, and it also permits more specific directives to override more general directives. Imagine that you wanted to disallow every bot except for Googlebot. You could test out this file:

User-Agent: *Disallow: /
User-Agent: GooglebotAllow: /
Then you can throw in a URL like http://www.seoservicesgroup.com/ and a user agent like Googlebot and get back a red or green color-coded response:


Allowed by line5: Allow: /
Detected as a directory: Specific files may have different restrictions

I like that you can test out different robots.txt files without running any risk, and I like that you can see how Google’s real bot would respond as you tweak and tune it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Guest Columnist Special Feature

Big question, how does web content really affect Search Engine Optimization or SEO? It has been said that content does not affect SEO very much – it’s all in page layout, design, and trickery. Yet a website's content still plays an enormous and fairly direct role in search engine ranking. We cannot over-emphasize that point.

Of course, the whole goal of the search engines' (mainly Google’s) ranking algorithm is to provide the user great content. The mechanism that search engines use to reward good, relevant content is essentially just a technical issue, though admittedly an extremely important technical issue. But it is an issue that is easier to navigate with good content.

But even in purely technical, terms, web content affects search engine rankings three ways:Inbound Links, Number of Web Pages, Keyword Optimization.

Web Content and Inbound Links

Inbound links are very important getting search engine rankings. Inbound links are links from other pages to your page. They should also provide plenty of traffic making inbound links dual purpose. The importance of links is what causes many people to say that content is not that important. But those people forget that great content is key to getting inbound links in the first place. For starters, good content will make potential link partners more comfortable with linking to your site. No one wants to link to a site with poor content. Good content gives other webmasters (and particularly bloggers) a reason to link to your site spontaneously without being asked. These are surprising and fun links for you as a webmaster.

Number of Web Pages in site

More web pages of good content will help with gaining more search engine traffic. Here’s why: (1) Adding pages to your site is provides more opportunities to get new customers.
(2) Search engines view larger websites as more prestigious and reliable and consequently rank them better.
(3) The more content you have, the more reasons you give other webmasters, particularly bloggers, to link to your site spontaneously, without being asked.

Web Content Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization used to be the most important step in SEO. Now it is not as important for highly competitive keywords. Well thought out keyword optimization can really help you get traffic from searches not on competitive keywords. You may never rank number well for "real estate," you may still show up tops for a search on "real estate in Raleigh" if you have that phrase somewhere in your content. These searches make up a large proportion of your web traffic. It is important to try and think like your potential customers – not like a web master.

Following these 3 steps and emphasizing great content will help your site rise in the rankings.

Our SEO Services

Thank you for interest in our SEO services. Before submitting your work order it is good to know the various processes that will consists in our SEO. Following are the prime processes that used for each of our SEO clients:

1) Site analysis
2) Keyword researching
3) Developing or optimizing existing/new Website
4) Submitting to search engines and directories
5) Link popularity building
6) Monitoring and monthly reporting
Site Analysis

Site analysis

This includes analyzing the source code of the pages, page layout, used keywords and current status in search engines. It will clear that if your site needed re-design and the methods to be implement for achieving top ranking after this analysis.

Keyword Researching

It is very important to know the exact keyword(s) and keyword phrases that your customers are searching for your product or service. we will analyze your search engine keywords and key phrases for competitiveness and popularity in a better way.

Developing or optimizing existing/new Website

This process includes making or changing spider friendly page layout, specific changes in the source code of the pages, Meta tags and graphic optimization for attracting engine spiders.
Submitting to search engines and directories after optimizing your entire pages, we will submit your Website into major search engines and directories. Remember, it will take a month or more to get listed in many of the search engines and directories.

Link popularity building

Major search engines will rank you high if more quality relevant incoming links to your Website. Building link popularity is the major and ongoing process in our search engine optimization service.

Monitoring and Monthly Reporting

You will get monthly report of your website status in major search engines with your targeted keywords. Re-optimization as needed to keep your ranking with new algorithms.

Other Features

W3C HTML and CSS Standards Professional design with less use of FLASH animations Compatibility with major browsers and screen resolution Optimize each page to rank better on the engines against your competitors

Monday, February 06, 2006

Google Base Gets Spammed

A great dig by bobvilla pointing to some questionable postings on Google Base for illegal movie and program downloads. After a recent clean up of Froogle, Google may get down and dirty and throw out a whole bunch of these questionable postings for warez and other illegal downloads once Kazaa was famous for. Most analyst agree Google’s positioning these new services to monetize a wider variety of web content. Google Base picks up where the Google crawlers left off, picking up content from webmasters who either don’t own their website or simply looking for a new sources of visitor traffic. The problem as I see it is a clear lack of control what actual gets into Google Base. One might argue the free classified service offered by Google is still in beta, and the bugs are yet to be worked out, but similar problems first started with porn related content being allowed into Google Base just a few weeks ago.We can except Google to sweep Google Base clean once again, until of course someone finds something else offensive or illegal to post on Google Base.

Chan says

Hello all please post yours views, thoughts and latest news about search engine and Seo process.